ENGLISH CONVERSATION B2 - Practice makes perfect  (aktuell nicht im Programm)

English Conversation B2 - 

Practice makes perfect

Speaking, listening, presenting, persuading, collaborating; upgrade your  communication skills toolbox through practising.

Be it small talk, telephone skills, effective meetings or presenting your ideas, products or services;

It's all part of the communication landscape. It takes time, effort and is worth it.

Themes and topics vary, inspire and motivate; TED talks, podcasts and YouTube clips.

Join us in lively conversations ... conversations to go, conversations to keep, conversations to look forward to.

Vorkenntnisse: gute Englischkenntnisse auf Niveaustufe B1/B2
Lehrbuch/Material: wird im Kurs besprochen

10.04.2024 - 19.06.2024 (8-mal) 09:30 - 11:00 Uhr,
89,00 € Gebühr (Kleingrupp)